Tuesday, 19 July 2016

We all come the same.

I have never really paid attention to the black lives matter movement until a few days ago after listening to Jesse Williams' BET speech .
You know, he had the entire twitter, instagram, facebook everywhere going crazy and screaming
     "Just because we are magic doesn't mean we are not real"
Everybody was coming out and talking and days later after the police shooting in which two black men lost their lives, even more people came out to scream BLACK LIVES MATTER.

I remember posting the above quote by Jesse William and my best friend told me to please not join the band of hypocrites currently pissing her off. I didn't get that at first but I didn't argue with her either, you know that thing you do when someone you love is in a salty mood so you just ignore them? I did just that. I ignored her and kept on reading and listening to every black lives matter article I could find online but then I gave up at some point for reasons I will soon explain.
Dear black people let's be real. 
Yes our lives matter. Of course it does every life matters. But do we even believe that?
I live in a student environment in a non-black country and this environment is made up of atleast 40% blacks but yet we are the most abused and disrespected group of people.
Why? Because we have started this and now we have accepted this. And before you begin to preach about how we are fighting back with the various hashtags and tweets and all that, am sorry to be the one to tell you this but you are doing almost nothing. Because if you want to make a change, you have got to start from the inside. Once the inside is right, the outside will eventually start falling into place.
 We live in a community where black boys beat up their black girlfriends and pamper their white girlfriends like their own vaginas cum pure gold.
Like you will see young boys gather round and talk about how worthless a girl is for dressing a sort of way but when a white girl wears the same thing, it's all of a sudden beautiful?
Our boys make a complete fool of themselves trying to have and keep a white girlfriend who most times is a complete pardon my language idiot. Onoku! It's pathetic really. 
Like a black boy doesn't mind holding his white girlfriend's purse while at the mall but it's stupid and shameful if the girl is black. Shey?
Black girls are probably the most endangered human specie. Cause we aren't winning at any end. Our men think we aren't worthy of respect and most times white men just want to sleep with a black booty. 
And then some of the black girls who date white men would do things they wouldn't normally do for a black man for him just to please him because you know they are foreigners, they will give us dollars to build our fathers houses in the villager. Like all of a sudden it's okay to have a threesome with his friend, let him cum in whatever hole he chooses and accept flowers when he buys them but if black was the case, you are up for straight up missionary and flowers are just plain stupid.

Why do we do this really?

You know it's funny how we are ready to try new things and accept things we don't understand except when a fellow black is involved. 
Like a black is willing to accept that his/her white friend is gay than accept it when the friend is black. 
I don't get if you treat these white people so highly and treat each other like crap how do you expect them to treat you?
It's only fair that we treat and love ourselves right so when they come they will see how it's done.
But instead what do we do? We trade our accent for theirs because you know it sounds cool and it's a proof that you schooled abroad. Some of us go as far as changing the pronunciation of our names so it can sound more white. 
Amara will sound like Amra then we will come back to scream black lives matter.
When they come to our countries, we treat them like kings. When we go to theirs, they treat us like nothing. 
Why do we constantly give them the respect and pleasure we won't naturally give ourselves.
We all bleed the same blood. Abi their own na blue?
If it's okay for a white girl to have a one night stand and still be thought cool, then don't call us ashawo for embracing ourselves in that way.
If you think you can understand your white friend when she tells you she likes girls please employ that same understanding to the next black gay person you meet. It's hard enough that we come from countries like Nigeria where accepting your sexuality can get you killed or jailed. You don't have to be their village ancestor and follow them across the border.
If you think a white dude keeping and braiding his hair is sexy can we allow our brothers the freedom to discover themselves too?
White people are no better than blacks they just had the freedom to discover themselves and grow into themselves unlike blacks who were born into a long list of dos and don't.

Black lives matter. I totally agree so now we can all go school abroad and not feel the need to take pictures with a white passerby just to send back to our friends and families back home because it makes us seem cool? Nwanne di na mba!
 Aside the color of our skin, there is nothing really different about us. We all feel pain. We fall sick. We fall in love. We get heartbroken. We all are birthed the same way and most especially we were all created by one Creator.

Black lives matter.

Let's stop killing ourselves in cult wars and club fights so they won't think it's okay to kill us like we don't have parents at home waiting on us to call or come home.
Let's treat each other with respect and understanding. Let's start with ourselves and maybe someday the local medias in our countries will quit going to look for trending news from their countries and start raising awareness on the problems we face and maybe someday too our leaders will start solving these issues rather than travel to their countries to shake hands and drink tea with milk that's not even sweet. Abeg jor, no milk does it better than peak!

 Just because we are magic doesn't mean we should take ourselves for granted.

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