Am unlearning the girl rule book that says;
once I loose my virginity, am not worthy and I have no atom of dignity
I don't think the Creator made woman and attached her dignity to
something that can be lost.
I should feel guilty if I say no.
I do not have the right to say no after the first time cause am already damaged goods
I should be bothered he might go out to get it if I do not give it to him
I can't be the one to ask for sex.
I was made to please not to receive.
Am redefining my sexuality,
a song am slowly learning how to sing
Banishing the lessons I have been given as a girl
"Don't talk to loud.
Don't eat much.
Be weak, guys love a damsel in distress.
Don't shout at him.
He's the man.
Apologize when he is wrong.
You are the woman
You come second place
You don't own your body
The most important is marriage
No matter what you achieve in life, you aren't complete without a man.
Any man. No matter what he does.
As long as he has meat between his legs, he is a man.
You can't be picky.
Remember the holy book
One day 7 women would hold to one man and beg to be married
So don't be picky
Other girls will take him, other girls are your rivals.
Go for anyone.They are all the same. Men"
Am unlearning the 21st commandment that says,
all men cheat.
I can't stay mad forever, am not the only one.
They all lie, so I should get over myself and stick to one
The only place I can find a good man is in the movies and books and fairytales
but in reality, I will get "every man is the same"
I can't afford to have an attitude
Men would find me distasteful
I shouldn't be bossy even if am the boss
Men don't like bossy women
Am unlearning that I only have a vagina just to please him
Am letting go that it is my fault if I ever get raped
I was just unlucky to be there when he got an erection
If you're sexualizing my body just because my dress shows more skin
it doesn't mean I owe you sex.
You can't take it unless I asked for it.
Unless I also want it
It's not my fault that while you walked behind me
all you saw was my butt
If that was God's plans
Your eyes would have been on your belly button
Am unlearning that I should not have a career because being a mum is my ultimate job
And I have to settle for anyone that comes because I don't have right to be picky
because am 25. 26. 27. 28 even if he hits me
I should stay because am endowed with strength to endure by Him
Because am woman, my hands weren't made to wipe my tears
They weren't made just to rub his penis in ways he finds pleasurable
To holds his baby to sleep while wondering why he is not yet home by midnight
Because am woman I wasn't made for his entertainment.
I am not an object.
I am not bought and can't be sold.
I have a perfectly beating heart
I have a soul
I have a will
I am a woman.
👏👏👏✊👍👍👍.... nt just any woman... a strong woman!!