Before I write anything I really want to apologize for being away for so long and thank every body who DM'ed me and wrote me. I really appreciate, maybe someday I'll write about why I have been away but for today let's talk SUMMER BODY!!!
Let me start off by saying there is no such thing as summer body.
Before you start murmuring to yourself about how Amarion is lying to you. Wollup!
Now if you trust Google like I do and you have ever tried searching for "summer body" the pictures below are examples of what you get.

Do I have a problem with these pictures? No, I don't.
But I have a problem with the entire summer body tag because it's misleading people, girls, boys all around the world. You can't begin to imagine what the tag "summer body" has cost most people but for those who will listen to me, I have goodnews. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUMMER BODY!!! *music* go yea and be free
And trust me when I say I also came here today with evidences but you know I can't write anything without a story.
Weeks before summer officially started in this part of Europe, I started doing this thing most of us call "summer body prep". I started with gym which went well for 3 days until I got tired because the result wasn't as fast as I wanted, then I moved to gyming and the almighty JUICING.
For the lay men of juicing reading this let me quickly explain the term. Juicing is like a break from food. You pick a number of days and sometimes weeks that you stay away from food and just take juice but not your normal everyday juice. It's most times home made juice that consists of 80% vegetables (like kale, broccoli, spinach..e.t.c) and 20% fruits preferably low sugar fruits (like apple, lemon, tomatoes yes tomato is a fruit e.t.c), aside the fact that it's naturally hard to stay away from food since am a big time foodie, it's also hard work because you have to blend this up like six time a day because it's advised to take them fresh. It's also an enemy to your purse since these vegetables and fruits are somewhat expensive and my worst part would be the drinking. oh dear!
Most of these vegetables when blended has the evil smell or aroma (na you sabi) to it and sometimes I hold my nostrils tight so as to be able to drink.
When I started, I told myself 7days. I convinced all my organs that we can. My boyfriend decided to join me probably out of pity because I said I needed someone to encourage me. Hmm...first day pass na only God fit understand wetin happen to me.
From fatigue to head ache but I kept staring at the picture on the phone which was my "goal" and convincing myself that I could do it.
Few minutes after six the next day, my boyfriend was over and had been sleeping since he finished his last class around 2.30 p.m, I could tell he was hanging between life and death. His own was better, I couldn't sleep. Hunger no gree me o. As I carried the vegetables and plugged my blender ready to blend my evening juice, thunder with little electricity of lightening pinched me and I woke him up and told him "Am done, let's go to Matia (popular eatery that makes amazing fries and spicy chicken)"
This guy flew up from the bed and started thanking God.
So that was how my juicing ended. But not my want for summer body though.
Days later I came up with a diet plan. Eat more protein and little or no carb. I stopped taking Coke (by the way, I had this bad habit of not taking water but coke. I could stay a week without water if I had coke), I made my own juice drink myself by blending my favorite fruits, sieve and keep in the refrigerator. I took lots of water each day (at the beginning taking water was like a punishment) and I continued with the gym and I got one popular detox tea (NovaTeatox) and a fat burner (Carnix - 1000).
Did it work?
No I didn't get my supposed summer body. I wasted my money, emotions and time.
I stared myself in the mirror one day and got tired. I stopped taking the fat burner and teatox and saved myself the stress of taking them.
I started reading, taking nude pictures of myself and talking to the girl in the mirror and slowly I started accepting her. I continued going to the gym at my own convenience because truthfully exercising and staying hydrated might not loose significant weight for you but you see that heaviness deep down your stomach (bloat), it curbs it.
My clothes still fit the same but I feel less heavy and bloated. My skin isn't as dry as it used to be and I loved it and to top it off, I went bikini shopping.
I was determined to wear a bikini whether Google says I have the body or not.
And it was during my visit to one of the most beautiful water parks I have ever been to that it hit me, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUMMER BODY. Pictures I took PERSONALLY below will show you why.
Reallyyyyy. Nobody!!!
Everybody is busy having fun.
Your skinny friend won't laugh at you except he/she is a duckhead.
Your family don't care about the extra goodness you carry.
Do you still need me to say nobody cares?
There is a huge difference between expectation and reality.
Me and my rolls of goodness.
Breakdown is, at the beach, by the pool side, what you see and experience there is way different from what you watch in a scripted Keeping up with the Kardashians or a Victoria Secret bikini shoot or a Calvin Klein Boxer shoots. These (We) are real life men and women, boys and girls. No camera man ( well except me), no make-up artists running around during the cut retouching faces and apply sun scream (or na oil sef) to make the skin shinny or director screaming "Action" or "Cut".
Your life isn't a photoshoot or a movie. Your body is not the finished product of a Photoshop.
We are real. Let's act like it.
These aren't the tales and lies of a girl who couldn't achieve her body goals. This is a tale of a girl growing in self love. If you have been reading my blog for a whle, you should have discovered am not big at self love. But day after day, year after year. Am growing. I feel happier and confident.
Your body is your temple. Love it and it will love you back. All those imperfections are beautiful. Your lines of gold you call stretch mark tell stories, wear them proudly. Your skin is bigger and better than any designer clothing you have, if you can wear them proudly why can't you wear your own skin proudly.
Beauty they say is being comfortable in your own skin. Baby, be beautiful.
Go to the gym to keep fit and meet cute guys. Drink lots of water to help your body digest all you eat and never forget that our body is smarter than we think. It knows what to keep and what to discard. Fruits are sweet, take them it help digestion. Love your body, feed it with beautiful things and never, I say never look into the mirror and hate the girl you see.
We are in a world where almost everyone wants to be or look like someone else. Never forget your life isn't Instagram. Most times people paint an illusions of what isn't.
Shoutout to all the pretty women. Skinny, thick, bootilicious, boooooobs... You are beautiful.
To my men. Wether na one pack you get o or two packs or six packs. You are handsome.
Trust me you don't want to wake up one morning to realise you are 61 and you didn't live it all. We are now counting down to the final days of summer, so if you haven't worn a bikini because you think you don't have summer body oya halele, go and buy one and rock it.
Take loads of pictures and please send some to me I would be honoured to share on my IG timeline (if you permit) or just stare at them and hail God. Or simply hashtag #Realbodiesrock
Follow me on Instagram
DM me for anything.
Hopefully, I will be writing soon.
Bye...with sooo much Love.
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