Saturday, 21 February 2015

I Come With Changes.

So I watched this thing about this girl whose ex complained that she tried to change him and am like Dafuq?
What do you think a relationship is for?
Let me break it down for, as a normal person you probably are used to taking care of yourself and doing whatever the hell you feel like doing but once you get into a relationship be you a he or a she, some changes have to be made honey.
You are now in charge of two lives. Yours and the other winner.
If you are dating me and probably used to texting your ex "ILYSM" that shit ain't going to work with me so you better go all out and text me "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"
If you are used to not being disturbed once you fall asleep then you will have to adjust 'cause I will call you in the middle of the night when am bored, if I just had a bad dream, if am watching a movie and I need to gist someone about an epic scene, if I want to cry, I will call and wake you UP.
If you are dating me and you hate entering the kitchen, that is not going to work 'cause as much as I love cooking, I hate doing the dishes so you have to get those pretty hands of yours wet.
If you are dating me, sweetheart lots and lots of changes are going to be made and vice versa.
So instead of going into relationship for the wrong reasons and come out complaining, don't go in at all because relationship itself is change.
I think the problem is most times especially with we ladies, we don't know the difference between trying to change a few things here and there to accommodate a partner and Photoshopping oneself for a partner.
Photoshopping has to do with making a fake version of yourself just to please someone. You are being blatantly fake. You are not yourself, you are swallowing the bitter pills and that is wrong. While change is an adjustment to accommodate something (but in this context, someone) new. You are still yourself and you consider the other life who you are now in charge of.
My personal most annoying part is when the guys say we ladies are domineering when we want a change or something. Like I have been told that by one of my ex. What is domineering about I cook better than you so do the dishes while I cook? And so what if am domineering? Take it out with the Creator.
A man I respect once said "True that, the man is the head of the family but the woman is the neck."
Who decides where the head turns?

P.S. I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who got concerned about me not posting anything for over a month and for the messages sent. I got them and am grateful. Thank you for making feel like my pen and I are worth something. XoXo.

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